Tewkesbury Ham
We parked in the Hoppole car park and made our way through Victoria Park, which was in full bloom at the time! We then crossed the bridge and turned left on to the field before us. As we circumnavigated the field, we came across all manner of interesting flora and fauna in the first instance, but the fun really started as we reached the opposite side of the field…
The children loved walking along the river, popping down on to vacant fishing pontoons to wave at passing narrow boats and best of all, getting a close up view of the impressive weir. We have heard that there’s a Mood Swing nearby now too, which adds a whole load more fun to any walk!
From there, you can either continue across the field to finish the loop, or carry on round the edge and take the footbridge into town. We did the latter on the trip pictured, and loved seeing the bustling river, full of passing barges, canoes and even a speed boat or two as we approached the marina.
Parking at The Hoppole is Pay and Display. The town section of the walk is buggy friendly, but the Ham section may be tricky on a wet day as it’s mostly in a field.
Walk info from Steph, Honey and Ace ♡ Follow their adventures on Instagram or the StephLovesHoney blog.

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